2024 School Board Candidates
Parents know better than government and must be at the forefront of all decisions made regarding their children
A focus must be placed back on basic academics such as Reading, Writing, Math and Science
Vocational education must be strengthened and prioritized
Schools must be safe and student discipline must be enforced by administration

At-Large: Monty Ashliman
Monty has devoted his life to the service and representation of others. He is a recently retired Navy Captain with over 32 years of Active Duty service. His background is in Naval Aviation and served as a TOPGUN Instructor, teaching at the pinnacle of the Navy's highest institute of learning. He was also the Commanding Officer of an FA-18 Super Hornet squadron, and the Commanding Officer of a major Navy installation where he was responsible for the safety and well-being of 30,000 personnel, significant budgets, and expansive facilities.

District 1: Rose Dwyer
Rose is a devoted mother of five and brings a strong commitment to eduation. She has extensive experience in public service and servant leadership and previously served as an appointed school board member in another district.
Rose has served as a church youth leader, volunteered in prison ministry and was a dedicated PTA volunteer including serving as PTA President.
Rose recognizes the invaluable role parents play in the lives of their children and seeks to empower parents by always including them in decisions impacting their children.

District 3: Mark Bohenstiel
Mark embodies servant leadership. His commitment to community service and advocacy for those in need reflects his genuine dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of others. Mark is deeply invested in the Virginia Beach, having lived here for over three decades. He has volunteered as a little league coach, in homesless ministries, special needs ministry at his church, and serves on the Mayor's advisory board for Beaches and Waterways.
As a small business owner, he understands the importance of increasing vocational opportunities and will support educational needs whether students are college-bound, entering the workforce, or enlisting in the military.

District 5: Vincent Smith
Vincent has a passion for service to community. He is the husband of a teacher giving him even more desire to make public schools the best they can be. He is currently a municipal engineer and previously owned a successful Class-A welding and blacksmithing business. His focus on increasing career-oriented opportunities for non-collegiate path students is a high priority for Vincent. His 25+ years of capital construction will be of great benefit as we delve into upgrading and replacing our aging schools.

District 7: Noah Moreland
Noah has deep roots in the the great city of Virginia Beach. He is actively engaged within the community, serving as a youth leader in his church to current VBCPS students. He is committed to servant leadership and community engagement. He possesses a bachelor’s degree from Old Dominion University, but ultimately has a career as a blue-collar worker. He is living evidence of the need to prepare students for both college and the workforce. He will work to expand vocational options for Virginia Beach students.

District 4: Shannon Kendrick
(Special Election to fill a 2 year term)
As a public servant, Shannon presently serves as the Vice Chair for Virginia's African American Advisory Board and as a Member of the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach. An International Affairs professional, she currently works in development for International Cooperating Ministries, a Christian nonprofit with a mission to build healthy churches within walking distance of everyone worldwide.
Shannon earned her MBA from Regent University and Bachelor of Arts in Government and Law from Oral Roberts University.