We at Students First VA (SFVA) have taken the time to review what sexually explicit books are available to students in Virginia Beach Middle and High Schools, but we haven't yet been able to review Elementary Schools.  We were absolutely shocked at the very sexually explicit and pornographic materials available to children as young as 10 years old in public school libraries.  We found over 60 of these books and we believe there are many more.

We have tried to summarize each book without exposing people to sexually explicit material; however, we believe it is important for the public to be aware of the realities of what is available to children using our tax dollars.  You can find more details about the books at the link below "SUMMARY OF EXPLICIT BOOKS".

Why does the VA Beach School Board and Superintendent allow minor children to have access to obscene materials?

We at SFVA are against this porn peddling and are committed to protecting children.  This is NOT about book banning but about making sure minors aren't exposed to harmful materials.  We support the rights of adults to choose the books they wish to read whether or not we agree with the content.

If you want to look up a book to see if it is in a school, go to   As of the date this information was compiled, these books were in the schools that have been noted.  As books are being challenged, they may be removed from the gofollett site.

If you wish to help challenge the ability of minor children to have access to these books, please contact us at and we will let you know the process required by the division to challenge the materials.


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